Monday, September 22, 2008

USDOJ Comments - Thank you Mr. Attorney General

Link for the whole story:

ATTN: Please forward to Michael Mukasey

Mr. Mukasey,

On behalf of women everywhere, thank you for intervening on behalf of the woman bound for Mali. In the climate of immigration turmoil, it is important to remember what America stands for and why people want to come here. We are ALL immigrants. This woman faces torture in her native country. I was moved to hear that you are trying to stop one woman and her children from being treated like meat at the hands of butchers. I feel grateful to live in a country where I am free from this fear. Please keep looking out for the rights of people and remembering that America is the only beacon of hope for so many. Any country that would allow genital mutilation EVEN ONCE is capable of enacting untold horrors on all of its women at any time. Evil knows no bounds, and we have to take a stand against these murderers who maim and torture in the name of culture and religion.

Thank you very much,

Chris Lewis

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